This week I am thankful that Spring Break starts on Friday. I'm pretty sure I made it through mid-terms unscathed, now for a break and a chance to get caught up on my semester reading that I haven't kept up on as well as I should have.
I'm thankful for the new U2 album - No Line on the Horizon. I love new albums. They don't always live up, but I still find reason for excitement in them. NLotH does, in fact, live up in my opinion.
I am thankful that this weekend I'll have the opportunity to get out of town with Sarah for a day and go visit my grandfather in TN. I don't get up there to see him often enough, but then again my parents could make the case that I don't get over to their side of town enough either. Either way, I think Grandpa and my parents are more interested in seeing Sarah than me anway. I've been bumped down on the depth chart.
I am thankful that we have another small group meeting on Sunday. I really look forward to those now.
I am thankful for the weather this week. Snow on Sunday, and then yesterday I was able to take my bike to the greenway and put in just short of 10 miles on my first ride of the year.