Tired of all of those surveys made up by high school kids? (no offense). Here are questions for the people who are a little older. Copy and paste into your own note, then answer the questions. Finally, tag your friends including me, please!
1. What bill do you hate paying the most? Credit cards
2. Do you miss being a child? I miss not having anything to worry about, so I guess
3. Chore you hate the most? cleaning (broad enough ain't it :-)
4. Where was the last place you had a romantic dinner? Stoney River
5. If you could go back and change one thing what would it be? I would have finished college the first time
6. Name of your first grade teacher? Mrs. Corrum
7. What do you really want to be doing right now? I'm waiting for friends to arrive to play games, so I'm just what I want to
8. What did you want to be when you grew up? that changed almost every day, but all the popular ones were in there - fireman, police man, fighter pilot, pro baseball player
9. How many colleges did you attend? 3 - Oklahoma Christian U., Harding U., currently Kennesaw State U.
10. Why did you choose the shirt that you have on right now? comfortable and lightweight
11. What are your thoughts on gas prices? bearable
12. First thought when the alarm went off this morning? "yeah, i'll go ahead and get up"
13. Last thought before going to sleep last night? "I'm not getting up until 9:00 am"
14. What famous person would you like to have dinner with? Tom Glavine
15. Have you ever crashed your vehicle? yep
16. If you didn't have to work, would you volunteer? Yes, or I'd work but donate my entire salary
17. Get up early or sleep in? sleep in, but no later than 9, i really enjoy getting stuff done before noon
18. What is your favorite cartoon character? too many to choose, but Optimus Prime probably tops the list
20. When did you first start feeling old? when I went back to college at 28 years old
21. Favorite lunch meat? pepperoni
22. What do you get every time you go into Wal-Mart? i refuse to go to Wal-Mart
23. Do you think marriage is an outdated ritual? absolutely not, but I believe that it is heavily under fire from our society
24. Favorite movie you wouldn't want anyone to find out about? I have no idea, I'm pretty open about my movie taste
25. What's your favorite drink? Dr. Pepper
26. Who[m] from high school would you like to run in to? Sean, Melanie, Brian
27. What radio station is your car radio tuned to right now? XM radio - ESPN radio
28. Sopranos or Desperate Housewives? neither, 24
29. Worst relationship mistake that you wish you could take back? none - those mistakes have taught me a lot
30. Do you like the person that sits directly across from you at work? I don't sit at work
31. Have you ever had to use a fire extinguisher for its intended purposes? nope
32. Last book you finished reading? Living on the Black - John Feinstein
33. Do you have a teddy bear? no
34. Do you go to church? yes
35. How old are you? 30