I'm big on researching before buying/starting anything. I was all ready to go with the "Nike+ Walk to Run" program on NikeRunning.com. It seemed like a pretty good plan to get started. Sarah, on the other hand, started on the C25K program and as she was telling me about it, I realized that the C25K plan would probably have me ready to run a 5K race MUCH sooner. By the Nike plan, it would take me about 24 weeks to be ready for a 5K. Maybe that's good for some people, but I'd like to progress a little faster. C35K's 9 week plan sounds much better to me.
A popular question is always, what gear are you using?
The shoes: Asics Nimbus 11

One of the perks of working for Hibbett Sports is that I get a pretty nice discount, which I must say I've taken pretty good advantage of. Another perk of the job is that I get to spend a LOT of time trying on different kinds of shoes so that I can know how to describe them to customers, while at the same time learning which ones I prefer. It came down between the Nimbus and the Mizuno Wave Creation. The Nimbus is probably the most comfortable shoe I have ever put on. I've now been running twice and have had no trouble with shin splints. That's a big deal for me.
Under Armour

I just can't justify UA's standard prices, so yep, there's my employee discount being used again. However, being that the temperature has been in the low-40s both times I have gone running, these two items have been life-savers. I'll be straight up with you - I don't like skin-tight clothing. At. All. But I have to admit, these work. I'll have you know, though, that I am mindful of the general public and wear a t-shirt and shorts over both.
For those of you keeping score at home, I've added a box on the right where you can track my progress and times. Call it a way for you to keep me held accountable.
As for my next run which is schedule for Friday, I'm looking at anywhere from 98-100% chance of rain. All. Day. This ought to be fun.